Wednesday, January 20, 2010

If you want to read books?

If you want to read any of my unpublished novels, please supply an email address I can reply to in a comment, as well as some short description of who you aree, and which of the novels might interest you: Daughters or Why I Love Brunettes, which is too frankly erotic for children; I wrote it with the express aim of encouraging men to question their response to stories that link sex and violence. Women seem to have liked it. Daughters is a modern novel write too whirly for the mainstream. Vampires of Woodstock is not quite done. An essay I wrote in graduate school, "Attribution and the Metaleptic Shift: the Role of the Writer in Slaughterhouse-5," is also available, as is a short essay "On Falling Out of Love," which provides an antithesis to Stendhal's book De L'Amour.

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